Many people, including some otherwise very knowledgeable ones, are totally confused about Madaraka Day, Jamhuri Day and Independence Day. Let me try and clear it up.
- On June 1, 1963, we gained internal self government. We were still a colony, but most roles, from Prime Minister on down, were held by black people. Kenya was still ultimately ruled by from London by the Queen, through the Governor.
- On December 12 (more accurately, at midnight on the night of Wednesday December 11) 1963, we ceased being a colony, and we were a fully independent country. The Union Jack was lowered and the Kenyan flag raised. We chose, though, to keep our head of state as the British sovereign. All power now rested with Kenyans. The Head of Government was a Kenyan Prime Minister, but the titular Head of State was the Queen.
- On December 12 1964, we severed all remaining ties with the United Kingdom. We became a Republic (Jamhuri) with the President as Head of State and Head of Government.
If this is still unclear, consider it this way:
- On June 1, 1963, we became a self-governing British territory, analogous to (roughly) Jersey and Guernsey, or the Falklands.
- On December 12, 1963, we became like Australia, Canada or New Zealand.
- On December 12, 1964, we became like the United States of America.
I hope this helps.